What does the “void 0 JavaScript” command refer to?


In JavaScript, the void 0 command refers to the value of an undefined variable. This command is commonly used to test whether a variable has been assigned a value or not. If a variable does not have a value, the void 0 js command will return the value “undefined.” While the void 0 commands may seem like a simple concept, they can be quite confusing for beginners. In this blog post, we will explore what the void 0 command means and how it can be used in JavaScript programming. 

What is the void 0 javascript command?

The “void 0” is a javascript command. It is used to remove a value from a variable. It is commonly used to clear a variable that is no longer needed or to create an empty space in a string. The void 0 javascript command can also be used to create an empty array. 


var myArray = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
myArray.length = 0; // myArray is now an empty array,


myArray = void 0; // myArray is now undefined.

When a variable is declared but not assigned a value, the variable is said to be undefined. For example, if we declare a variable named “foo” but do not assign it a value, the variable “foo” would be undefined. We can test if a variable is undefined by using the void 0 commands. The void 0 command returns the value “undefined” if the variable is indeed undefined. Otherwise, the void 0 commands will return the value of the defined variable.

Let’s take a look at an example to see how this works. In the code snippet below, we have declared two variables: “foo” and “bar.” We have assigned a value to “foo” but not “bar.” When we use the void 0 commands on both variables, we can see that “foo” is defined and “bar” is undefined.

var foo = 'Hello World!';
var bar;
console.log(void 0); // undefined
console.log(void foo); // Hello World!
console.log(void bar); // undefined

What does the void 0 javascript command do?

The void 0 js command is used to undefine a variable. It is commonly used to early out of a function or to avoid errors when accessing a variable that may not be defined. 


void 0 === undefined // true 
// early out of a function
function doSomething(flag) {
if (!flag) { return void 0; }
// rest of the code goes here

The void 0 js command is used to evaluate an expression and then return undefined. This is often used to avoid errors when using the delete operator or to force a function to return undefined. 

The void 0 js command can also be used to get the undefined value in a more verbose way. 

When is the void 0 javascript command used?

The void 0 js command is used when you want to evaluate an expression, but you don’t want to return a value. This can be useful if you want to test something without affecting the rest of your code. 

For example, you could use void 0 to test a function without worrying about what it returns.

void 0; // undefined
(function() {
var a = 2;
return a;
})(); // 2
(function() {
var a = 2;
return void 0;
})(); // undefined


void 0; // undefined
(function() {
var x = void 0;
return x;
})(); // undefined

Examples of void 0 javascript command usage

The void 0 js command is used to evaluate an expression and then return undefined. This is useful for situations where you want to test an expression without having any side effects. For example, if you want to see if a variable is defined, you can use the void 0 commands to test it:

void 0 === myVariable; // returns true if myVariable is undefined.

You can also use void 0 to prevent a value from being overwritten:

myValue = void 0; // myValue is now undefined.

Using void 0 javascript in the following ways also works in the same way in finding out if a value is defined or not:

typeof void 0; // "undefined"
void 0 === undefined; // true
void 0 === null; // false
isNaN(void 0); // true

This would help find out if a certain variable is undefined:

if (void 0 === myVariable) {
console.log("myVariable is undefined");
} else {
console.log("myVariable is defined");

The void 0 javascript command can be used to clear a variable that is no longer needed:

var myVar = "Hello"; myVar = void 0; // myVar is now undefined.

Void 0 can also be used to create an empty space in a string:

var myStr = "Hello world"; myStr = void 0 + myStr; // myStr is now " undefinedHello world" 


The void 0 javascript command is a statement that tells the browser to ignore the value of an expression. This can be useful when you want to test something without affecting the rest of your code. For example, if you wanted to see what would happen if a certain variable was set to null, you could use the void 0 command to temporarily set that variable to null without affecting any other part of your code.

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